Saturday, April 07, 2007

Let's start building some hurting bomb..the Rocky Balboa

How ya doin guys,

During my day flight for a trip to Malaysia about two weeks back then, i got this chance of watching couples of movies inflight. Certainly there were so many stuffs and movies but i only manage to watch these movies along the way..

The first one was the latest of 007 James Bond series:"Casino Royale" acted by Danial Craig. I think this Bond is not that disappointing although at the beginning prior watching this movie i thought this might be the worst Bond movie. Well i had that kind of perception after reading a few comments and reviews from showbizz people previously but it seems their thought were not always telling the truth. It turned out to be different after i myself watched it. My comment: Quite exhilarating and action-pack..Yet not many those high-tech gadgets anymore only a beautiful Aston Martin..
Then i had a taste of musical movie with the title "Dream Girls" acted by Beyonce Knowles and Eddy Murphy..well for me the movie is just OK..Soon after that" Behind Enemy Lines" with main actor Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman. Actually i had already watched this movie several times so i skipped most of the scenes except the part at the beginning showing Lt. Chris Burnett (Wilson) and his co-pilot manouvering that F-18 Super Hornet away from couples of missiles shot by the Serb. That scene really makes me want to be a navy pilot...Bulls eye boy..What a supersonic!!

Above all, the movie that really caught my instinct was Rocky Balboa the final episode. This is all about i wanna talk in this entry and yup this last saga of Rocky was surely a great comeback by Sylverster Stallone. Obviously it is an ordinary life drama kind of but this movie i tell you.. really pulls out all the gutsy and sleeping spur buried inside you. Even listening to its memorable music will burn your spirit to workout boy !! This movie illustrates how Rocky, two times former heavyweight champion leads a simple life living in a modest house and become an owner of italian restaurant. Rocky still can't let go the fact that his wife, Andrian had died and he got to keep all his sorrow, his anger and fury, his burning fighting force deep inside him until he decided to stand up and challenge the undisputed reigning heavywieght champion Mason 'The Lion' Dixon. In this movie Rocky has a son and Paulie is still around accompany him.
Well known to adapt such a heavy duty and endurance practice for his workout, this Italian Stallion once again prove that nothing can stop his way and burning desire when he really gotta go out. For all of ya out there who already felt that this world is kinda boring place to live it's the time to move your arse and watch this awesome movie. When you feel so weak, wimpish or forceless..when you feel that you need to be recharged, pump up and workout..listen to the Rocky soundtrack..I've done that and feel really good. And now i feel like i am the Rocky Balboa....Trying hard now, It's so hard now, Getting start now, Gonna Fly Now, Flying high now!!!

Memorable quotes from the movie;

"Computer says Rocky Balboa would be the triumphant"

Rocky Balboa:
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that! "

"If this is somethin that you gotta do than you do it..fighters fight !!"

"You want me to fight a guy who i can beat with both my hands tied behind my back ?!!"
Rocky Jr:
"What you tryin to prove, Pop!"
Duke (Rocky's trainer):
"You know all there is to know about fighting, so there's no sense us going down that same old road again. To beat this guy, you need speed - you don't have it. And your knees can't take the pounding, so hard running is out. And you got arthritis in your neck, and you've got calcium deposits on most of your joints, so sparring is out."

"So, what we'll be calling on is good ol’ fashion blunt force trauma. Horsepower. Heavy-duty, cast-iron, piledriving punches that will have to hurt so much they'll rattle his ancestors. Every time you hit him with a shot, it's gotta feel like he tried kissing the express train. Yeah! Let's start building some hurtin' bombs!"

During Rocky & Maxon talking face to face;
Maxon: "It's over!!"
Rocky: "It ain't over till it over"
Maxon: "Where do you get that from..80's ?"
Rocky: "Probably it's from 70's"

Besto Regardo,
This movie is absolutely fantastic. You betta watch it coz it really burns your fattish and born a great fighter's spur in you. And now i think i want to be a boxer, darn!!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

salams ane..

kalau hang ada soundtrack rocky, bleh la email kat aku.. you have my email right?? hehehe


5:49 pm  
Blogger Anuar Fariz Shuaid said...

salam butet,

Ok nanti aku try email kat ko..i think i do have your email add..don't worry..

7:04 pm  

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