Monday, September 25, 2006

First day fasting at office..Thailand Dilema..What is it with the name of democracy?

Feww... what a tiring day it was.. Penat giler beb..Itula Sahur tak nak makan. Friends..make sure you all chanto makan sahur..Otherwise you'll be creeping and your head felt too heavy to be straighten up..God..mesti Jepun2 tu pelik apela mamat ni lain macam je hari ni..tak ramah macam selalu..Macam tajuk lagu kumpulan Ratu dari Indon..Teman tapi xmesra..muahah...As the clock tick to 5.30 p.m, as the music lala ...lala..lala..just started to be played as a sign for employees yg malas nak buat 残業 boleh chow, I don't wait any longer even a second..After greeting my colleagues ...お先に。。おつかれさまでっすすすす! Yeaa..adios.

Back home..desperately buka freezer..melahap kurma and a mug of milk...haii..kalau mak bapak aku tengok mesti menitiskan air mata...kalau member2 aku tgk mesti melelehkan air liur...

So what is the lucky news that got my attention today? hmmm let see...Wallaa..Berita pasal rampasan kuasa oleh tentera Thailand. Yeah Tuck of from Thailand. You can pack all your things but limited to only one luggage..leave all your multi billions assets to the people of Thailand...

Some analysts..some politicians..and some leaders who claimed their self to be a part of so-called "Pendokong Demokrasi" la kononnya..criticize the action carried out the army which leaded by Janeral Sonthi even The King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej showed his kind blessing toward the ousted of Taksin Shinawatra as the PM.

Why the King and big portion of Thais feel dizzy should Thaksin still holds the number 1 post in the goverment?..Well several reasons.. assumptions or hypothesis have been carried forward..
Hmm biasala..kalau kerajaan demokrasi ni nak corrupt pon with the issues such as rasuah...Taksin is currently one of the multi billionaires in the world..He and his family owns Shin Corp..which recently invited huge anger among the people of Thai when Shin Corp sold Thai biggest Telco to Temasek investment body owned by Singapore goverment without been charged any cents of Thai Bhats for the tax. The share transaction would cost Temasek Holding paid a big chunk of USD 5 billions to Thaksin. i wonder i should be a PM to be an instant Billionaires...or perhaps at Malaysia..Umno Youth Deputy President pon ok gak kot..muahahah..Just kidding offence please..Kang naya plak aku.

Well above's Thai people who determine what's good for them..What is there with democracy..if the leaders mangkaq tak ingat..Bukan nak perelokkan negara..menghuru-harakan lagi aderla..South Thais communities habis dibelasahnye..malam2 jalan tak pasal esok tak balik rumah dah ...assasinated...been killed without able to be traced...gilernye Tuck Cin..habis muslim kat Pattani dia belasah..pastu nak halau masuk Malaysia plek..alleged Malaysia support pejuang pemisah Thaila..jadi tempat latihan la..Hmm inila..pemimpin yg sekapala macam Bushit..main tuduh2 je..asal muslim..waaaa penaja keganasan..pathetic human being!!..Tapi kalau betul pon Malaysia support so what???? At least Malaysia tolong beberapa golongan manusia yg lemah dan miskin tapi ditindas oleh somebody yg kerja dia bersuka-ria kumpul harta secara korup pastu jual aset negara. Now you know Tuck Cin..whether the heaven is high or low ..haha in Malay org kampung aku kata ..Laa baru la hang tau langit tinggi ka rendah..bila keranda di bawa baru bercucuran ayaq mata...terkencing2 dalam seluaq hang tu..It's payback time..

Ok folks..that's all for today punyer ceramah motivasi..Prof nak minta diri dulu pasal nak makan malam..melahap sket malam ni..


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Blogger Emi-Eliza said...

wow, u sure have lots of time by yourself to write lengthy articles... wish had the knowledge in politics like u... i never really how to gain knowledge in such fields... too confusing...

11:24 pm  

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