Friday, October 20, 2006

Business Trip to DKC Oita...Yokattawaa honma de..


Geez..2,3 days more to go..there gone Ramadhan..there come Syawal..

And just yesterday i had to escort one of my superior to pay a courtesy visit to one of our big suppliers..Daihatsu Kyushu Corporation at Oita-ken..(Damn it is during fasting day man)..Set up in 2004, DKC is the newest among Daihatsu Manufacturing Plant and perhaps the most sophisticated and beautiful. Other plants in Japan are at Ikeda, Kyoto and Shiga.
DKC situated just beside the sea in Nakatsu-shi and one of the significant factors to propel and contribute toward the emergence of local economic prowess.

Well..whatever it was i really enjoyed the trip. We depart from Shin Kobe station at 9:42 am with Shinkansen Superexpress Nozomi 50号 700-series and arrived at Kokura station in Kyushu at 11:39 am. It seems that taste of the air in Kyushu is slightly different with Kansai. I dont know how to describe it perhaps you could try it by yourself..douzo go yukkuri..

The meeting which commenced at 1:00 pm and scheduled to be over at 3:00 pm eventually closed at 3:20 pm. Then we made a brief plant tour to get know 現場 operation. As the plant tour over, we rushed back to Nakatsu station, took Sonic Express to Kokura station and from there we boarded into Shinkansen Nozomi 500 series..Apparently Nozomi 500 series is the most attractive among all the shinkansen and it recorded to be the fastest shinkansen running on the railway so far with 300

Arriving Shin Kobe station around 7:30, we shooted to Sannomiya. Sannomiya is really a happening town. Very oshare..moreover during night. Unluckily i didnt take any picture of it. We had our dinner at Sannomiya.

Hmm what is so good about this business trip..well the foremost is everything is sponsored..hehe that's the best part of it man..Besides mean of work you could have sightseeing and get to know other places as well. At least i got a chance to view and pass through Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and at last i can stand with my feet on the Kyushu ground..go here and there..see other people ways of living..taste their local some changes of scenery view..and all this for free...Round trip ticket with overall tranportation fee would come to approximately 30000 yen..And of course the experience and knowledge i gain through all the trip is priceless..even you slip out your Master Card or VISA..Sorry is not something purchasable...

Hopefully there are more business trip coming after this and perhaps luckily could spend 1 or two night at hotel...Haiit matteru yoo..


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