Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Reason

Hai Folks,

Sometimes when we were sitting alone...flashbacked on every moment that did has an impact in ourlives..should it be a merry good time...should it be a very sad unwanted moment...there arised a query in our mind..which invited some kind of curiousity. We began to self-interview ourselves...

Why does it happen on me?... Why i am the one?...What should i do?...Can i bear it?...Why i have to face it?...Why not him or she?...Why i failed?...Should i bear this agony alone?...Why am I here?...What am i doing here?...Why..why..why..and we kept asking ourselves the reason.

I believe every one of us ever experienced that kind of phenomenon. And i also do believe that every one of us have their own way to seek the answer..or the reason. Probably one man's answer does not suit other man's. So we got a lot of diverse ways to seek the seek tranquility..serenity that could justify our heart feeling..

So folks..keep asking..Why..What.Where..Who..When..and How..=> 5W+H (It is Toyota Way concept)..It will make you be better ...make you stronger..and it will make you wiser next time..My suggest to you is to seek the ultimate reason...What is the reason for me to be alive in this world?..I bet every of you have your own advice is to just please keep it by yourself...just keep it in your warm heart..Why? Because you..are the only one who understand yourself ...i mean the real of yourself..internally and externally...

Well i'll finish my psychoanalysis lecture today by presenting to all of you this song..the song that really catch my attention..I like the song.....The Reason performed by alternative poprock group..HOOBASTANK..Enjoyyyyyy!!!!!!


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Friday, September 29, 2006

What is always on their mind...


Dear Guys..hows everybody. had been a few days off..i got stuck in some other commitment lately. Appointment here..appointment there...guest for a special dinner here and there..and blabla...

On last Tuesday night..久しぶりにマレーシャの料理を食べた。おいしかったもん~。。My friend and i had been invited by Mr. Hori (GM of Overseas Parts Dept.) to have dinner together at EDEN Restaurant in Osaka..Currently there are 3 restaurants which serve Malaysian cuisine and EDEN is one of them. What makes me so impressed about these 3 restaurants is the founder was the same person..Mr. Kenny, a chinese guy from Penang. I had a chance meeting him once at one of his established restaurant. He is so simple..friendly and amicable.

Mr. Kenny never studied Japanese language formally neither he ever had a lifetime golden opportunity to further his study in Japan's university as some of us do. But nowadays, Mr. Kenny who perhaps in his late 30's or early 40's i presumed..can smile and be proud with his success. Even he is a chinese, yet he opened a restaurant in a land where he himself does know little about..a restaurant that serve Malay foods. i realize..this man really got a GUT!! I think it is acceptable to regard him as brilliant..intelligent...brave man with the pure entrepreneurship spirit. Somehow i wonder why there is not a single Malay who has a nerve to be like him..Malay's food yet cooked and served by Malay-sian chinese..I tip my hat for you Mr. Kenny..for those tens of thousands of Malay graduates who are still looking for job (Especially salary-paid) advice to you is this ---> THINK !! Use your god's given brain..move your RUMP you bloody tooOOtttt...There's a saying..Where there's a will, there's a way...God created this beautiful planet spread widely hence you can find your own rezeqi. Not just mourning..'mandom'ing...'leter'ing...and 'meratap'ing...I don't understand what is always on their mind..Just please go go and go..create your own your own wealth and you yourself are the one who determine your life...Last but not leaset, remember what Master Yoda and Obi Wan always said...May The Force Be With You......damdadadam...dadadam..dadadam..(Finish the reading with the STARWARS soundtrack please..)



Monday, September 25, 2006

First day fasting at office..Thailand Dilema..What is it with the name of democracy?

Feww... what a tiring day it was.. Penat giler beb..Itula Sahur tak nak makan. Friends..make sure you all chanto makan sahur..Otherwise you'll be creeping and your head felt too heavy to be straighten up..God..mesti Jepun2 tu pelik apela mamat ni lain macam je hari ni..tak ramah macam selalu..Macam tajuk lagu kumpulan Ratu dari Indon..Teman tapi xmesra..muahah...As the clock tick to 5.30 p.m, as the music lala ...lala..lala..just started to be played as a sign for employees yg malas nak buat 残業 boleh chow, I don't wait any longer even a second..After greeting my colleagues ...お先に。。おつかれさまでっすすすす! Yeaa..adios.

Back home..desperately buka freezer..melahap kurma and a mug of milk...haii..kalau mak bapak aku tengok mesti menitiskan air mata...kalau member2 aku tgk mesti melelehkan air liur...

So what is the lucky news that got my attention today? hmmm let see...Wallaa..Berita pasal rampasan kuasa oleh tentera Thailand. Yeah Tuck of from Thailand. You can pack all your things but limited to only one luggage..leave all your multi billions assets to the people of Thailand...

Some analysts..some politicians..and some leaders who claimed their self to be a part of so-called "Pendokong Demokrasi" la kononnya..criticize the action carried out the army which leaded by Janeral Sonthi even The King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej showed his kind blessing toward the ousted of Taksin Shinawatra as the PM.

Why the King and big portion of Thais feel dizzy should Thaksin still holds the number 1 post in the goverment?..Well several reasons.. assumptions or hypothesis have been carried forward..
Hmm biasala..kalau kerajaan demokrasi ni nak corrupt pon with the issues such as rasuah...Taksin is currently one of the multi billionaires in the world..He and his family owns Shin Corp..which recently invited huge anger among the people of Thai when Shin Corp sold Thai biggest Telco to Temasek investment body owned by Singapore goverment without been charged any cents of Thai Bhats for the tax. The share transaction would cost Temasek Holding paid a big chunk of USD 5 billions to Thaksin. i wonder i should be a PM to be an instant Billionaires...or perhaps at Malaysia..Umno Youth Deputy President pon ok gak kot..muahahah..Just kidding offence please..Kang naya plak aku.

Well above's Thai people who determine what's good for them..What is there with democracy..if the leaders mangkaq tak ingat..Bukan nak perelokkan negara..menghuru-harakan lagi aderla..South Thais communities habis dibelasahnye..malam2 jalan tak pasal esok tak balik rumah dah ...assasinated...been killed without able to be traced...gilernye Tuck Cin..habis muslim kat Pattani dia belasah..pastu nak halau masuk Malaysia plek..alleged Malaysia support pejuang pemisah Thaila..jadi tempat latihan la..Hmm inila..pemimpin yg sekapala macam Bushit..main tuduh2 je..asal muslim..waaaa penaja keganasan..pathetic human being!!..Tapi kalau betul pon Malaysia support so what???? At least Malaysia tolong beberapa golongan manusia yg lemah dan miskin tapi ditindas oleh somebody yg kerja dia bersuka-ria kumpul harta secara korup pastu jual aset negara. Now you know Tuck Cin..whether the heaven is high or low ..haha in Malay org kampung aku kata ..Laa baru la hang tau langit tinggi ka rendah..bila keranda di bawa baru bercucuran ayaq mata...terkencing2 dalam seluaq hang tu..It's payback time..

Ok folks..that's all for today punyer ceramah motivasi..Prof nak minta diri dulu pasal nak makan malam..melahap sket malam ni..


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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fighting on the name of religion

Hi Fellows,

It is the first day of fasting month. Uhuhu god..i just woke up at around 11:00 am today. Man this one adversary habit i can hardly change. i wish i could be just like some of my buddies out there. At least 6 hours of sleep is good enough for them. In my case..well at least 8 hours..or sometimes even 9..fewww. Whatever..something has to be done..

Anyway, obviously there will be no brunch today...that's for sure. The first thing i did after got up form my sacred futon was to open the glass window...yess thanks was really good crispy fresh air here in the morning. After taking bath and so on i come..sitting in front of this machine which undisputedly claimed to be one of the greatest invention ever in the history of mankind.

Thing i will do certainly after my computer connected to the internet is to browse news website..Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, The Star etc2 and the list goes on.
What got my attention today was one articles posted by a columnist in New Straits Times titled "Kathirasen on Sunday: ... and ego has the last laugh"- 24 Sep 2006. I do really think it is one of good reading material moreover the title is quite catchy to encourage me went through it further in details.

The article start with what we can call it an intellectual conversation or discussion between a father and his teenage son. While reading a newspaper, his son suddenly queried such "If religion was intended to bring peace, why are people fighting over it?" .

I believe every religion in this planet sermon their believers to uphold peace, tranquility, serenity and good practices. However these days mankind are slandering..killing..demolishing each other by doing it for the sake of religion??. I think it's insane and totally bullshit. And i do agree with the columnist to claim that this all is caused by what so-called 'collective ego'. When you talk about ego it sounds of the "I" and the "my".

"I" fight with you because you said something about "my" religion. You want to burn "my" temple because "I" demolished yours."I" think "my" religion is better than yours. You feel your religion is superior to "mine".

So religion is not to be blamed. It is the ego behind those professing the religion. Religious competition is driving many conflicts today. According to the columnist, certainly ego is understood to be individualistic. There was such a thing as "collective ego", an ego shared by members of a group of people who had the same or similar characteristics and practised a common way of life. When you decry my religion, for instance, I take it as a personal attack on me because this is my religion. My ego is hurt. If many such individual egos feel bruised or hurt, then the collective ego is hurt, I added. As it is rather subtle, its presence is not immediately felt or understood.

Hmm well folks, i think at least i got something to contemplate and ponder about for a few moments today. Hopefully all of us could lead happy life and share this god given beautiful planet together. What i can stretch out here is religion itself is a medium..a powerful medium that influence people no matter in what ways. However i strongly believe that ISLAM is nothing to be blamed but always ..always..and always every second..teaches its believers to pursue prosperity and live in peace!!

Therefore any act which classified to be terrorrism brought out by some muslims shall not be labelled under the sacred name of ISLAM. Thorough study and investigation should be done to dig out the principal and main cause of all those adversary deeds. Nevertheless i think terrorrism or bad deeds never stick to ones as other kind of believers..races..nations..civilizations or organizations also happened to did those bad things. Yet what curious me is when it happened that the terrorist is anything other than muslims, world never recognize them as such ...this religion terrorist..that religion fundementalism organization..western terrorist..US sponsered terrorist or what so ever..never...But should it was carried out by some muslims who are out of their minds or insanity perhaps caused by thousands of reason which the truth causes of all these bloody mayhem never be revealed or intentionally never to be understood why, at end of the day the peacefully and great Islam is the victim to be labelled as the culprit. Huuhhh!!

Kathirasen just got it right when he said "...and ego has the last laugh".



Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fasting Month Of Ramadhan..Ashitawa danjiki no hajimari da..

My fellow firends,

Tomorrow all muslim around the world will start practising the 4th pillar of Islam which is fasting in the month of Ramadhan. Yeah it's really great to whom understood the intrinsic meaning and the benefit of it.

Well for me, this is not my first time fasting in Japan. I had experienced it so many time a years back then. Of course in terms of time zone, duration and all that meals for breaking fast.. juadah berbuka puasa..quite so much different compare to Malaysia. Muslims in Malaysia are more lavish to spend on juadah berbuka..Here in Japan, I tend to be more simple and reaonable when it comes to break fasting....No more air soya (a kind of soy bean drinks), air tebu and variety of kuih muih. And of course it seems that sahur is becoming harder for me here..moreover i am living alone..huhuhu.

Usually every nights of Ramadhan, muslims are encourage to perform Terawih prayer. Apparently in Malaysia, almost all of the mosque will be packed with men, women and children who are eager to do Solat Terawih together. Well it is really good actually to be together performing solat at the mosque when it is Ramadhan. However this kind of activity will suddenly stop and people are becoming lesser and lesser after Hari Raya (Eidulfirti) and i think this is not only happen in Malaysia but throughout the globe in the muslims country..Why??..Hmm i think i still could not find the exact answer till now..nande darouna..yappari wakarann...Perhaps some of muslim scholars know the answer.

That's all just for now folk. My self need to move now ..solat Ishak and Terawih afterwards.

To all the Muslim out there..i great you Marhaban Ya Ramadhan Al- Mubarak..Happy Fasting..Celamat Berpoce in Malay..Sore jya


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Nagoya Daigaku Graduation Day 2005


The First historic moment..

Assalamualaikum..konnichiwa & Hi,

Commencing by today comes my first blog ever. Hopefully this blog could survive and flourish as long as i still have a chance to long as my 5 senses functioning well. Lets see.

First of all there is a queary even inside of me. What on earth do make me to come out with the idea of this blogging. Hmmm...nande darouna..well after a sip of hot chocolate drink which the brand is what we call MILO in the land of Malaysia and a little bit of deep thinking, my mind generated some ideas and eventually i could list down the reason as such:

1) I do want something like some kind of channel which i could voice out..throw out..blow out or rather vomit out any kind of thinking that i have in my mind. I got to learn to be a generous person whose willing to share his point of view...his way of thinking...towards anything matters us in this planet. Whether you just name it politics (yeah politics make my blood pressure running high no matter wherever)...economics (well i do favour this topics) wisdom (this one..yeah i like it so much..who doesn't want to be a millionaire?) experiences...travelling or ryouko in and everything.

2) I do want to communicate or socialize with others... well you know...i am home alone...yess here i am in a community where i am on the difficult side to mingling with people outside there. Not i say the community i am living within is's just..hmmm well you could ask any gaijin who ever experienced living in the japanese community which is rather conservative..moreover i feel like i am the only gaijin the town of Okaba, Kobe-shi..Somehow it is a pretty cool nice town even you could say it's a kind of small town.

3) Himaaa(暇)....yeah baby...i am sooo free. Other than working office time, I could declare to all that i am so free..muahaha. Yes born free..That's why i could have this spare time to kill my free time in a more proper becoming a blogger. How could i wish i will be paid just to be a blogger just like doing BAITO. Hey !! is there any Japanese who wants to hire me doing BAITO out there?

4) Hmm what else? Yeah to gain more sharpen my rarely severely tested mind and get more buddies (Broaden my networking?) and to realize my dream to be somebody who could contribute at least something towards betterment of mankind.

That's all what i could give..To every one of you who is intentionally or accidentally visit this Blog = The Light of Knight's Mind, you are whole-heartedly welcomed to give any feedback or posting. Not necessarily you have to write in English but Bahasa Melayu pon ok..and Nihonggo (日本語)mo zenzen daijyoubu da..Soredewa.. Youkosou..Korekarawa Yoroshiku.


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