Saturday, December 22, 2007

悲しい色やね (大阪 Bay Blues。。)

(Audio only)

にじむ街の灯を ふたり 見ていた

桟橋に停めた 車に もたれて

泣いたらあかん 泣いたら せつなくなるだけ

Hold me tight 大阪 Bay blues

「俺のこと好きか」 あんた聞くけど

Hold me tight そんなことさえ わからんようになったんか・・・?

大阪の海は 悲しい色やね

さよならをみんな ここに捨てに来るから・・・

夢しかないような 男やけれど

一度だってあんた 憎めなかった

逃げたらあかん 逃げたら くちびる噛んだけど

Hold me tight 大阪 Bay blues

河はいくつも この街 流れ

恋や夢のかけら みんな海に流してく

Hold me tight 大阪 Bay blues


Hold me tight あんたあたしの たったひとつの青春やった

Hold me tight...

俺は初めてこの曲を聞いた時、すぐ好きになっちゃったやねん。。Perhaps this is one of the songs which i should sing at karaoke session when the time's come for me to say goodbye. It tells most of your feeling for that sayonara...


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故郷に帰るで。。Balik kampung yo !


Besto Regardo,
New year is coming. New hope, new dream, new resolution, new plan, new challenges, new calender, is coming. Time is moving fast and world is changing drastically, that's for sure. The past is history but let not ditch it from our memory. Let it be something exemplary. Yesterday was a hard day, but let's make tomorrow such a nice and properous day. It's all count on us !! Happy New Year...opss in 10 days time. Countdown baby!


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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Saudi king pardons woman who was raped by 7 men

RIYADH: King Abdullah has pardoned a female rape victim who had been sentenced to six months in prison and 200 lashes for being alone with a man who was not related to her, a Saudi newspaper reported yesterday.
Saudi Justice Minister Abdullah bin Muhammed al-Sheik told al-Jazirah newspaper that the pardon did not mean the king doubted the country's judges, but instead acted in the "interests of the people".

"The king always looks into alleviating the suffering of the citizens when he becomes sure that these verdicts will leave psychological effects on the convicted people, though he is convinced and sure that the verdicts were fair," al-Jazirah quoted the minister as saying.

The victim in the case, known only as the "Girl of Qatif" after her hometown in eastern Saudi Arabia, was in a car with a man last year when they were attacked and raped by seven men.

She was initially sentenced in November last year to several months in prison and 90 lashes for being alone in a car with a man with whom she was neither related nor married, a violation of the kingdom's strict segregation of the sexes.
The woman, who was 19 at the time of the rape, has said she met the man to retrieve a picture of herself from him because she had recently married.

The case sparked an international outcry, especially after the court more than doubled the sentence last month to 200 lashes and six months' prison in response to her appeal.

US President George W. Bush expressed anger at the sentence earlier this month, saying he wondered how he would react if it had been one of his daughters. But he said he had not made his views known directly to the Saudi king, a US ally.

The Justice Ministry has defended the sentence, saying the girl was having an illicit affair with the man.

The minister told al-Jazirah that the king was the only official who could issue a pardon, and he did so despite the government's view that the Saudi legal system was "honest" and "fair".

"The king's order consolidates and confirms what is known about the Islamic courts.

"Efficient judges look into different cases and issue their just verdicts and those convicted have the right to appeal."

The seven men who were convicted of raping both the girl and the man were initially sentenced to jail terms from 10 months to five years. Their sentences were increased to between two and nine years after the appeal. -- AP

Source: New Straits Time

Besto Regardo,
I am wondering why those bloody seven rapers have been spared from the lashes at the first place and they claimed that their legal system was "honest" and "fair" ? Speechless.


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ASB: Agihan pendapatan 8 sen

AMANAH Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB) mengumumkan agihan pendapatan lapan sen seunit dan bonus satu sen seunit untuk Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2007.

Jumlah pengagihan pendapatan dan bonus itu merupakan peningkatan sebanyak 0.45 sen seunit berbanding 8.55 sen seunit tahun lalu.Tahun lalu, ASNB yang juga anak syarikat milik penuh Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB), memberikan agihan pendapatan sebanyak 7.30 sen dan bonus 1.25 sen.

Pembayaran berkenaan akan memberi faedah kepada 6.35 juta pemegang unit yang kini memiliki 55.22 bilion unit ASB.
Pembayaran pulangan kepada pemegang unit ASB itu membabitkan peruntukan berjumlah RM4.29 bilion, peningkatan RM798 juta atau 22.85 peratus bagi pengagihan pendapatan berbanding RM3.49 bilion yang dibayar tahun lalu.

Bagi pembayaran bonus pula, ASNB memperuntukkan RM354.47 juta.

Pembayaran pengagihan pendapatan dan bonus akan dikredit secara automatik dalam buku pelaburan (ASB) para pelabur.

Pengiraan pengagihan pendapatan ASB dibuat berdasarkan purata baki pegangan minimum bulanan bagi tempoh pelaburan sepanjang tahun kewangan 2007.
Pengiraan bonus pula, berdasarkan purata baki pegangan minimum bulanan untuk 10 tahun bagi tempoh 1998 hingga 2007.

Bagi tujuan pengiraan pengagihan pendapatan dan bonus, semua urus niaga unit ASB ditangguhkan mulai 21 Disember ini hingga 1 Januari 2008.

Pemegang unit boleh mengemas kini buku pelaburan masing-masing di ibu pejabat ASNB, pejabat ASNB atau ejen ASNB di seluruh negara mulai 2 Januari depan.

Hingga 13 Disember lalu, dana ekuiti pendapatan itu memperoleh pendapatan kasar RM5.13 bilion, meningkat 29.19 peratus atau RM1.16 bilion daripada RM3.971 bilion dalam tahun kewangan 2006.
Pendapatan dividen daripada syarikat pelaburan menyumbang RM2.81 bilion atau 54.8 peratus kepada jumlah pendapatan kasar itu.

Besto Regardo,
Hmm..tidak begitu memberangsangkan. I expect them to pay at around 10~11 % for the dividend. Well nevertheless, it's no doubt that ASB unit trust scheme is still among the easiest and viable investment option you can get so far in Malaysia. So how much your monies had been bred dude? It's counting time...heh



Macam-macam: Lelaki pandu bahaya elak nyanyuk

TOKYO: Seorang lelaki Jepun berusia 100 tahun yang kerap ditahan kerana kesalahan tidak mempunyai lesen memandu dan terbabit dalam nahas jalan raya, memberi alasan tersendiri mengelak tindakan pihak berkuasa - memandu menjadi tiket baginya mengelak nyanyuk.

“Memandu kereta mengelak nyanyuk kerana saya perlu berjaga dan berwaspada sepanjang masa,” kata Masaru Hori yang dipetik polis di Sendai, utara Jepun.

Kemalangan itu adalah yang kedua membabitkan Hori yang memandu tanpa lesen selepas ia dirampas polis apabila kejadian langgar lari Ogos lalu. - Reuters

Besto Regardo,
Jadi secara logiknya, berdasarkan petikan di atas dan hukum penaakulan mantikku, untuk mengelakkan seseorang itu memandu secara merbahaya dan laju di jalan raya, seseorang itu haruslah menjadi nyanyuk...kahkahkahkah..tak lawak pon !


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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bill Gates: The skills you need to succeed

By Bill Gates
Chairman, Microsoft

One of the most important changes of the last 30 years is that digital technology has transformed almost everyone into an information worker. In almost every job now, people use software and work with information to enable their organisation to operate more effectively.

That's true for everyone from the retail store worker who uses a handheld scanner to track inventory to the chief executive who uses business intelligence software to analyse critical market trends.
So if you look at how progress is made and where competitive advantage is created, there's no doubt that the ability to use software tools effectively is critical to succeeding in today's global knowledge economy.

A solid working knowledge of productivity software and other IT tools has become a basic foundation for success in virtually any career.
Beyond that, however, I don't think you can overemphasise the importance of having a good background in maths and science.

If you look at the most interesting things that have emerged in the last decade - whether it is cool things like portable music devices and video games or more practical things like smart phones and medical technology - they all come from the realm of science and engineering.

Today and in the future, many of the jobs with the greatest impact will be related to software, whether it is developing software working for a company like Microsoft or helping other organisations use information technology tools to be successful.

Bill Gates
Lifelong learning is vital

Communication skills and the ability to work well with different types of people are very important too.

A lot of people assume that creating software is purely a solitary activity where you sit in an office with the door closed all day and write lots of code.
This isn't true at all.
Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.

I also place a high value on having a passion for ongoing learning. When I was pretty young, I picked up the habit of reading lots of books.
It's great to read widely about a broad range of subjects. Of course today, it's far easier to go online and find information about any topic that interests you.
Having that kind of curiosity about the world helps anyone succeed, no matter what kind of work they decide to pursue.

Bill Gates is chairman, chief software architect and one of the founders of Microsoft, the world's largest software company. From July 2008 he will end his day-to-day involvement in the company and focus on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its global health and education work.

Besto Regardo,
And to me, one simple task one could do to gain knowledge is reading, reading, reading and asking the experts. Ops sorry that would be counted as four.
Alright Anuar you lazy bonehead, commencing from today you are commissioned to read completely at least, one 'intellectual' material per month. Ehem ehem...tuuuut stuff should be subsided...gradually. :-P


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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Festival of Rights 2007

Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Malaysian dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. As i am overwhelmingly inspired by Martin Luther King Jr and in conjunction with Human Rights Day, let's together we make our stance clear about equality, justice and freedom of all mankind. Peace !

By : Sir Paul McCartney.

Besto Regardo,
Can't wait for leaving on a jet plane. Another two weeks to go. I'm coming home...ops for just two weeks break though.


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Sunday, December 02, 2007

The tiger is black, back again.

This is the car that is going to be the next saviour of the ailing tiger after the previous launched Persona. By referring to a press release reported yesterday, it seems that the tiger has eventually managed to unleash itself from the dark dungeon of losses.

Proton now has come to black again after suffering six consecutive quarterly losses. It has recorded a net quarterly profit of RM3.5 million on revenue of RM1.3 billion, compared to a loss of RM250 million on a turnover of RM1.27 billion the same period last year. Certainly it's everybody guess that this is due to the encouraging sales factor contributed massively by Persona.

Well, i assume that Proton is currently in a such good position to keep on the momentum after seeing this next to come Proton's new model also widely known as BLM (Base Line Model). This BLM will be launched somewhere in the early of 2008. Honestly, judging from the looks i bet it will be another hot cake for Proton and only if the price tag is attractive enough. Yup sad to say though, certainly this kind of economist theory only applies in the state of Malaysia. Packaged with nice looking and low price, there you go. Sometimes it sounds like i am just another pimp in the town...ya know what i'm sayin.

Besto Regardo,
Yo i went to Osaka Motor Show yesterday. A lot of bloody great machine and nice chickies too. Hmm geramnye !! I'll come up with the pictures and cover up another day.


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