Raja Petra, talk of the town.
What was the hit news within the Malaysian bloggers' society for the past few days if not about the Malaysia most popular political website - Malaysia Today's illustrious editor Raja Petra Kamarudin been summoned to KL's Dang Wangi Police HQ. Raja Petra who is well known among people as simply as RPK, Pete, Pet, or Raja, had been detained and questioned by the police for as long as eight hours following a complaint made by the main governing party.
Raja Petra turned himself in to police on Wednesday, to answer allegations that he had insulted DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong - Malaysia supreme ruler, mocked Islam and threatened racial harmony.Raja Petra is known for his frequent criticism of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and other government figures.
Malaysia Today is believed to attract around 2 million visitors a day, giving it more readers than most Malaysian newspapers. However the access traffics increased up to 5 million at its peak which caused accessibility constraint after RPK's detention got wide coverage in domestic and international media.
RPK who is 57, also known for his strong support for the ex-DPM Anwar Ibrahim during the latter's controversial arrest and involved in the struggle on free Anwar's campaigns and activities. He has strong connection with Selangor royalty since the late Agong and Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Salehudin is his uncle and the current Sultan is his cousin. His father, a royal Selangor descendant had married with her mother a Welsh woman. RPK himself married to a Thai woman of Chinese origin, namely Marina Lee Abdullah.He had a chance to study at MCKK for certain time but quited afterward to further his study at Victoria Institution in KL instead. His reason for quitting is "I could not tahan an all-Malay environment. In VI my 'best friends' were Malays, Chinese, Indians and Sikhs...Make sense that I would raise racial issues in Malaysia Today?" RPK makes his living as a businessman and if i am not mistaken, one of his businesses is as Harley Davidson's dealer & distributor in Malaysia whilst coincidentally he posseses great passion on motorbike. Hoho you must be damn rich RPK, well good to have a person like you being around especially in Malaysia.
Besto Regardo,
Apparently i can talk so much about Malaysia political arena but i tend not to. I don't want to touch it here in my sacred blog since Malaysian politic would drive me mad and increase my blood pressure awkwardly. Simply say, i should be smarter for my own survival..hahahaha. By the way i think RPK looks much damn cool and macho with his beard on than not. Cheers mate !! May the truth prevail and God bless us.