Sunday, July 29, 2007

Raja Petra, talk of the town.

What was the hit news within the Malaysian bloggers' society for the past few days if not about the Malaysia most popular political website - Malaysia Today's illustrious editor Raja Petra Kamarudin been summoned to KL's Dang Wangi Police HQ. Raja Petra who is well known among people as simply as RPK, Pete, Pet, or Raja, had been detained and questioned by the police for as long as eight hours following a complaint made by the main governing party.

Raja Petra turned himself in to police on Wednesday, to answer allegations that he had insulted DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong - Malaysia supreme ruler, mocked Islam and threatened racial harmony.Raja Petra is known for his frequent criticism of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and other government figures.

Malaysia Today is believed to attract around 2 million visitors a day, giving it more readers than most Malaysian newspapers. However the access traffics increased up to 5 million at its peak which caused accessibility constraint after RPK's detention got wide coverage in domestic and international media.

RPK who is 57, also known for his strong support for the ex-DPM Anwar Ibrahim during the latter's controversial arrest and involved in the struggle on free Anwar's campaigns and activities. He has strong connection with Selangor royalty since the late Agong and Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Salehudin is his uncle and the current Sultan is his cousin. His father, a royal Selangor descendant had married with her mother a Welsh woman. RPK himself married to a Thai woman of Chinese origin, namely Marina Lee Abdullah.He had a chance to study at MCKK for certain time but quited afterward to further his study at Victoria Institution in KL instead. His reason for quitting is "I could not tahan an all-Malay environment. In VI my 'best friends' were Malays, Chinese, Indians and Sikhs...Make sense that I would raise racial issues in Malaysia Today?" RPK makes his living as a businessman and if i am not mistaken, one of his businesses is as Harley Davidson's dealer & distributor in Malaysia whilst coincidentally he posseses great passion on motorbike. Hoho you must be damn rich RPK, well good to have a person like you being around especially in Malaysia.

Besto Regardo,

Apparently i can talk so much about Malaysia political arena but i tend not to. I don't want to touch it here in my sacred blog since Malaysian politic would drive me mad and increase my blood pressure awkwardly. Simply say, i should be smarter for my own survival..hahahaha. By the way i think RPK looks much damn cool and macho with his beard on than not. Cheers mate !! May the truth prevail and God bless us.


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Friday, July 20, 2007

I bet you it's nothing good than...

Despite other people were rushing early in the morning to each working place, i still slept soundly on my futon. Darn, for the past two weeks i had been working like a dog and now it's a payback time. I should be relaxing like a lord.

I bet you it's nothing feels as good as having your slow enjoyable time after enduring such an exhausted constraint job. Take three slices of baked bread, spread some butters with strawberry's jam on them while still hot, and have your breakfast beside the window with the glass opened. Make sure there is a mug of fresh milk added with honey as well.
Then enjoy your decent breakfast and the panorama outside while being chilled with delightful blows of wind. To me it will be just perfect at the same time, to be soothed with the music by Kuwata Keisuke and his band members - Southern All Star. It will be just puuurrrrrrrfect !!!

Besto Regardo,

Thank god. The weather is lovely today. Syukran Jazilan Afwan wal どうも有難うごじゃいました。。。。3連休で何やろうかな。良い天気なら散歩しましょうか。。うふふふふ


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Impact on Automakers

Latest news reported that monday's earthquake left 10 people dead. Hundreds more were injured and scores of homes have been flattened.

The earthquake has also affected Japan's automakers.

The temporary closure of a factory in Kashiwazaki belonging to major supplier Riken Corp - a maker of transmission and engine parts - will force top manufacturers such as Toyota and Nissan to scale back production.

Toyota is to stop production lines at its plants in Aichi on Thursday and Friday, and review the situation on Monday.However the move taken will also affected all subsidiaries under Toyota Group. All Daihatsu; Shiga, Kyushu, Ikeda, Kyoto plants also have to stop their production and today has been declared an off-day to those who work at production line.Well, since we are not those at the production site, all my colleagues got to work today, but i'm here at home now since i've taken the annual leave in advance previously. So sorry guys. Anyway it really feels good when you can enjoy the view of looking others got to working while you not. Delicious !


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Monday, July 16, 2007

Japan rocked by major earthquake, Malaysia ?

Is godzilla behind all this bloody mayhems. Or is it the consequence of mother nature angriness. As being struck by the Taifu No 4 (台風4号)which is reportedly to be the strongest since the past few years, Japan has been rocked subsequently by earthquake.

An earthquake has struck central Japan, killing at least six people, flattening buildings and triggering a fire at a nuclear power plant.Hundreds of people were injured when the 6.8-magnitude tremor struck the Niigata area.It has been reported that the fire at the nuclear plant has been extinguished, and there was no release of radiation or damage to the reactors.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has flown to the affected region.He cut short a trip to the south-western city of Nagasaki, where he was campaigning ahead of forthcoming upper house elections.
Japan earthquake map. Area near to Niigata prefecture was the centre of shaking and the impact reached as far as down south Tokyo.

A report said, about 2,000 people had been evacuated from their homes, while tens of thousands are reported to have no power or running water.Older buildings, many of them with wooden walls and heavy tile roofs, appear to have suffered the most damage in the earthquake, which also cracked roads and buckled bridges. The region has subsequently suffered several strong aftershocks.Hospital officials said about 300 people had been brought in for treatment of injuries including broken bones, cuts and bruises.

Damaged houses in central Japan. Japan is in one of the world's most seismically active areas.

'Violent shaking'
Skyscrapers reportedly swayed in Tokyo, more than 200km, from the earthquake's epicentre in the Sea of Japan.
Earthquakes are common in Japan, which is situated in one of the world's most seismically active areas, and the country regularly holds safety drills.

In 1995, a magnitude 7.3 tremor hit the city of Kobe, killing more than 6,400 people.
As for the record, the disastrous catastrophe caused by earthquake showed very high significant number of casualties than people died caused by Godzilla.

Besto Regardo,

Hey it's a public holiday today as it is a SEA DAY(海の日), but not for me. I did go to work. Yeah i had to. Ganbare Nippon !! As Nippon rocked by earthquake, Malaysia had been rocked as well. Stupid Malaysian soccer. Got beaten by China 5-1 and kicked out by Uzbekistan 5-0....what more at home ground! You moron sucker 馬鹿や労 asshole. Better kick their lazy arse into drain.


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Friday, July 13, 2007

Bombarded, shot, and the conflict arised.

It begun last week. The exhausted feeling still stay put until this moment. As the gray solemn sky keeps spilling its tears excessively since the last few days , the same solemness with high magnitude of emotional strain mounted inside of me. I do not have enough quality rest and now got to bare an eyesore - work out on computer screen for such long hours.

Being young, green and energetic at your mid 20s does not always guarantee your fitness and health is green all the time. Sometimes it will give you a yellow signal and the worst when it turns red. Since last week, i have been involving in a few task which require me to pump up extra large commitment. Actually that is fine with me and i really do not mind working harder. But when i was required to complete all the hanky panky things within short notice, the yellow signal finally turned on last night. Luckily it did not turn red, yet. God i was nearly wiped off. I am so wimpish. The challenges keep coming day after day. And yesterday, i have been bestowed another task. Great!! Ops, should not be read as 'bestowed' but 'bombarded'. The dateline, will be within next week. Shit, now i might got coronary failure. I feel terrible.

My ramshackle mind and heart could not function orderly. I have no idea what caused all this disorder, this instability, and this great dismay. Hopefully the heart-attack syndrome will be shed away from me, ever. I ponder my effort to find out the answer. I never feel like this before. On my way back home, my heart teared off fiercely. All off sudden, unconsciously all those vulgar words coming out from my mouth. I reckon it is better to let them out than keep inside. Hopefully nobody heard me shouting about those taboo words last night otherwise they would call the police in no time since somebody mad cycling around in the town.

In office, when the 'tension' element appeared, i will always turn up my face from the computer screen toward 'one direction'. Other than having a 'nice' chit chat with my colleagues who sit near to me, this is what i will do when some jobs are boring. Or whenever i need some refreshment or stretching out my neck. Looking on that 'direction' never make me boring. I definitely enjoy the scenery, the view, the beauty, and the character who is sitting on the opposite side. Damn, why i got this kind of feeling now. I never asked for it, man. Shishh, is she that is all about. I start to figure out the puzzle. Ever since i had a chance to chat with her during our way back together after office hour, she is the girl. "I should spot on her", my inner voice says. Yeah i must admit, she is very attractive and pretty. Very very adorable and nice.

"But she is a Japanese. Think further dude, think about future. Your culture and your religion is far different with hers. You know she is kind of expose herself a bit or simply say she is sexy. She might stun ten yards if you asked her to cover up herself and veil her beautiful hairs. She might argue why at all of sudden when she has been tied up with you, she can not eat pork or even touch pig or lovely cute dog just like before !! What if your parents can not accept her style, her cookings, her culture and likewise, her parents hard to accept you as part of the family. You do not drink sake, beer or wine. You obviously will not eat her mom's cooking pork, or even chicken or beef which is slaughtered not as Islamic prescribing! So think further dude. Do you think with all joy, she will wholeheartedly follow you going back to your homeland after everything is over here in Japan ? That she will leave her families, her friends and her life in Japan to risk her destiny to be with you ?" My inner voice keep on saying.

This kind of conflict and unsecured feeling made me weak. I am lost. Lost in 'translation'. I do not know. Am i destined to tie the knot with a Japanese girl ? That's the question which i am still searching the definite answer. And all this conflict do really affect the journey of my life..a bit. Yeah whatever it is, i reckon it is the time. The time has come at last. I should not wait and waste the time any longer. I must initiate the move. A move that leads to the great affair. The great affair of love.

And to the question of what made me crazy cursed all the way back home from office last night, i got the hint. Yeah i got it very clear. I was 'crazy' because i could not make it, to accompany her on her way back home from office to the Okaba station. I got to stay extra longer at office since my 'boss' requested me to prepare some documentations. Damn....and this is not the first time i miss that golden chance. Too many., isn't love is crazy !

Besto Regardo,

My inner voice says again, but this time in different tone. "Come on boy, go for it and give it your best shot. Get up from your disparity. Don't let all those works 'shit' make you down. Come on. You determine your life and what's best for it. Because you are the man...yeah you are the lucky man."
And i will say this to my inner voice..."Yeah, i knew it coz you are my SOUL"

Now i am going to rest and sleep a lot..before the fear of being bombarded appears again next week.


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Sunday, July 08, 2007

MCKK and STAR Ipoh , a never ending rivalry...Cheers !

Maktab Melayu Kuala Kangsar or prominently well-known as Malay College Kuala Kangsar is the first Malay secondary and all-boys residential school in the country.

Di pagi hari Ahad, seperti sediakala, aku akan cuba mencuri sebanyak masa yang mungkin untuk menikmati hidangan akhbar-akhbar dan berita-berita terkini di layar maya ini. Hari ini seperti biasa, aku membuka Utusan Online halaman rencana..terpandang tajuk "Lonjak MCKK lebih cemerlang". Aku pon terkesima untuk menelaah apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh si pengarang.

Aih..ade gambar Rauhi terpampang besar! "Wallaweh mat..Rauhi ni bekas HM kat STAR dulu nih," Lantas memori silam menerjah ruang mindaku. Oh, 'interview' dengan En. Rauhi Mat Isa rupanya !...the current principal of MCKK. 'Interview' ini mungkin dibuat bersempena sambutan 100 tahun MCKK yang diraikan secara glamour baru-baru ini. Dikala itu, kehadiran DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yg Dipertuan Agong dan disertai beberapa lagi golongan raja-raja Melayu, bangsawan serta orang-orang tersohor telah menjulangkan lagi kemahsyuran dan kehebatan MCKK.

Selepas meluangkan sedikit masa untuk menyelami intipati kupasan rencana itu, aku seperti diyakinkan untuk berpendapat bahawa sememangnya MCKK adalah sebuah SBP yg paling gah dan terulung di tanah air. Hebat dan sememangnya hebat..tidak dapat dinafikan. Dengan segala perancangan rapi, sokongan serta dokongan padu yang mencakupi pelbagai aspek diberikan oleh staf-staf pengajarnya, pihak Kementerian Pelajaran, old boys, PIBG dan ditambah pula dengan naungan berdaulat oleh golongan raja-raja melayu, ternyata MCKK semakin gah menuju puncak.
Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh. Down to the eternal memory lane. On the other hand, STAR's establishment in 1957, inaugurated it as the second all-boys residential school in the mother land after MCKK.

Apabila berbicara tentang MCKK, tidak dapat tidak untuk aku bertanya, bagaimana pula dengan nasib alma mater ku STAR, Ipoh. Sememangnya nama STAR agak terkulai layu
jika hendak dibandingkan dngan MCKK meskipun STAR itu sendiri berdirinya di atas nama Yang Dipertuan Agong Malaysia yang pertama, ini ternyata sekali tidak memberi apa-apa 'sentimental value' terhadap golongan-golongan raja Melayu. Mungkin secara faktanya disebabkan sebilangan besar golongan-golongan kerabat di raja Melayu dan anak-anak bangsawan di era awal dan pertengahan abad ke-20 dahulu, ramai yang mendapat pendidikan menengah mereka di MCKK maka tidap dapat tidak, seperti juga kita, MCKK adalah lebih bermakna dan bererti buat mereka. Namun di sebalik itu, STAR pula lebih membawa kenangan abadi dan memori indah bagi anak-anak melayu biasa yang rata-ratanya ketika itu berasal dari kampung, dari desa yang jauh nun di pedalaman, yang bukan juga dari golongan bangsawan atau di raja, tetapi lebih kepada golongan rakyat kebanyakan, rakyat marhaen yang miskin, anak-anak nelayan, petani, cikgu dan kerani. Tetapi anak-anak ini juga ternyata mempunyai potensi tinggi dan bakat-bakat yang luar biasa, 'extraordinary' kata orang, yang juga hebat setanding dengan anak-anak golongan bangsawan dan ternama yang ditempatkan nun jauh ke utara tanah air di Kuala Kangsar.

Dalam kerancakan MCKK mengatur langkah untuk menjadi sekolah yang gah terulung di persada tanah air, ternyata STAR tidak dapat tidak untuk sama lekas bingkas bangun dari bayangan dan lamunannya. STAR harus bersama bangkit memberi saingan terhadap
MCKK dalam usaha untuk menjadi 'benchmark setter' dalam arus pendidikan menengah di tanah air. Bagi aku, mentaliti 'seteru' atau sikap 'kiasu' yang sedia tertanam kukuh di jiwa kalangan anak-anak didik dua buah sekolah, yang terletak di negeri yang sangat terkenal dengan industri timahnya seketika dulu, adalah suatu tradisi dan fenomena yang sangat positif ke arah menjulang martabat pendidikan anak-anak bangsa dan negara ke arah lebih jauh.

Walaupun STAR adalah 'junior' hampir 50 tahun kepada MCKK, itu bukanlah penghalang untuk STAR berdiri gah bersama memahat nama sebagai sekolah terulung warisan bangsa. Justeru, ayuh...ayuh kita bersama-sama merencana strategi, mengatur perancangan,
memadu tenaga, menyimpul sokongan dan memalu gendang. STAR tidak harus dibiarkan terkulai lemah selama-lamanya. STAR tidak harus dibiarkan hilang sengatan berbisanya. Ayuh..bangun. ROUSE UP..ROUSE UP all STARIANS ALL...

"Dlm hal ini aku ingin merakamkan stinggi pujian dan
penghargaan kepada AZRUL IZZAM @ TOM yg tidak segan2
menyumbang keringatnya dlm memberi guidance & support
yg tidak berbelah bagi untuk pasukan pembahas STAR.
TOM you've set a very good example..Bravo !"

Besto Regardo,

**Luahan citarasa dari ex-STARian yg kini berjuang
nasib di bumi GodziLlas !! Kanpai...opps Cheers..


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